Soup Recipes

Soup Recipes

Items 1-9 out of 100 displayed

  • Seafood soup recipe (receita de sopa do mar), a rich, flavorful dish made with fish, shellfish, tomatoes, garlic, and herbs.
    Views: 1007
  • Chickpea soup with cod and chouriço recipe (receita de sopa grão com bacalhau e chouriço), a hearty, flavorful dish with tomatoes,...
    Views: 656
  • Bean and vegetable soup recipe (receita de sopa de feijão e legumes), a hearty dish made with beans, cabbage, carrots, potatoes,...
    Views: 3398
  • Leek soup recipe (receita de sopa de alho Francês), a comforting blend of leeks, potatoes, carrots, and onions, pureed into creamy...
    Views: 1184
  • Oxtail soup recipe (receita de sopa de rabo de boi), slow-cooked oxtail with vegetables, Madeira wine, and Worcestershire sauce in...
    Views: 1003
  • Turnip soup recipe (receita de sopa de nabiças), a hearty blend of turnip greens, potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, chicken broth,...
    Views: 2323
  • Bean, leek and chouriço soup recipe (receita de sopa de feijão com alho francês e chouriço) A hearty blend of beans, kale,...
    Views: 1364
  • Feijoada is a traditional stew that typically includes beans and meat.
    Views: 9280
  • This green pea stew recipe (receita de ervilhas guisadas) is easy and quick to make, it is delicious and makes a great meal for four.
    Views: 17162