Refreshing Red Wine Sangria Recipe

1 diced apple drizzled with juice from a 1/2 lemon1 diced orange2 sprigs of mint1 cinnamon stick1/4 cup of white martini1/4 cup of vodka or brandy6 tablespoons of sugar1 cup of non-carbonated orange soda3 cups of red wine1 and 1/4 cups of lime or lemon soda (7up or Sprite)Ice (to taste)
  1. Place the fruit, half the sugar, mint sprigs, cinnamon stick, martini and vodka in a pan.
  2. Mix well with a spoon, add the red wine, cover and let it stand for 5 minutes.
  3. When serving, add the orange soda and lemon lime soda (7up or Sprite) and mix it all up.
  4. Place the sangria in a jar, add the remaining sugar and stir.
  5. Finally add the ice cubes (to taste), mint and cinnamon stick to the jar and serve.

Recipe & Photo Credit: Neuza Costa,

Preparation time 10 min
Cooking Timen/a
Ready In 10 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy