Leovigilda's Delicious Homemade Apple Jam Recipe

2 lbs of McIntosh or gala apples or to taste (peeled and cut into little cubes) 2 lbs of sugar Ground cinnamon to taste (optional)3 16oz jars with lids

  1. Add the apples and sugar to a good sized pot over medium heat and cook it stirring often.
  2. When it starts boiling turn down the heat a bit and let it cook for a while more.
  3. When the apples are almost cooked, blend them with a hand blender, add the cinnamon to taste (optional), stir well and then finish cooking, it will take a total time of 1 hour to 1 hour and a half to cook (have a plate on the side with a spoon and keep checking the jam for consistency by putting a spoonfull on the plate, some people like it a little runny while I like it a little more firm).
  4. Have your jars washed and ready and fill them with the hot jam (be careful to tighten the lids well).
  5. You can store the jars in the pantry for up to 12 months.

Recipe Credit: Leovigilda Pereira

Preparation time 20 min
Cooking Time1 h 30 min
Ready In1 h 50 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy