Delicious and Creamy Sweet Rice Recipe

2 cups of water1 cup of short grain (arborio) rice2 cups of hot milk (whole works best)1 cup of sugar1 fresh lemon rind (use a vegetable peeler for big pieces for easier removal)Cinnamon2 egg yolks (optional)
  1. Bring water to a boil in medium saucepan.
  2. Add rice and cover, simmering for 20 minutes.
  3. Add milk and lemon rind, stirring constantly until thickened to oatmeal consistency, about 15-20 minutes.
  4. It will also thicken some while cooling.
  5. Add sugar and stir well.
  6. Add 2 egg yolks slowly while mixing (optional).
  7. Pour into one large serving plate and remove lemon rind.
  8. Spread flat and allow to cool on wire rack.
  9. You can be decorative with cinnamon by pinching a bit between your fingers and place while your hand is no more than an inch away from the rice (criss cross patterns are traditional), or you can just dust the entire top with the cinnamon.
  10. Serve at room temp, but refrigerate uneaten portion.

Adpated from a Recipe by: Jennie

Preparation time 20 min
Cooking Time 20 min
Ready In 40 min
Level of DifficultyEasy