Cinnamon and Sugar Twists Recipe

5 cups of flour3 tablespoons of vinegar2 tablespoons of olive oil1 tablespoon of baking powder4 tablespoons of sugar3/4 cup of warm milk1 tablespoon of salt3 eggs1/2 cup of butter, softened
  1. Whisk the eggs with a fork.
  2. In a bowl, put the flour and make a hole in the middle.
  3. Then add the butter, oil, baking powder, sugar, milk, salt and eggs.
  4. Mix well with your hands until a dough does not stick to your hands.
  5. Finally add the vinegar.
  6. If necessary, add more flour to the dough if it still sticks to your hands.
  7. On a clean surface dusted with flour, take half of the dough, open slightly with your hand, and then roll it until you have medium thickness.
  8. Cut the dough in rectangles.
  9. Make a vertical cut right in the center of the rectangle and place the sides through the opening. (Be creative and have fun, create the twist of your choice)
  10. Repeat the process (7 to 9) with the other half of the dough.
  11. In a frying pan with hot oil over medium heat, fry the twists until golden brown.
  12. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and enjoy.

Recipe & Photo Credit: Janete,

Preparation time 15 min
Cooking Time 15 min
Ready In 30 min
Level of DifficultyEasy