Divine Custard Tart (Tarte Divina de Nata) Recipe

3 cups of milk1 cup of sugar6 yolks, beatenPeel of 1 lemon3/4 cup of corn starchPuff pastry, enough to cover a pie pan
  1. Unroll the puff pastry and place it in the pie pan, adjust the pastry around the pan, cut any excess pastry that sticks out of the pan and poke the bottom with a fork.
  2. In a small pot, heat the milk, sugar, cornstarch (dissolved in a little milk) and the lemon peel, bring to a boil, remove the lemon peel, add the previously beaten egg yolks and mix well.
  3. Put the cream on top of the puff pastry in the pie pan and bake at 220ºC or 420ºF for about 35 minutes or until cooked to your liking.
  4. Place it in the refrigerator once cool and serve it fresh.

Note: If you leave it in the refrigerator to long, the pastry will lose the crispiness and will get soft.

Recipe Credit: Delicias Divinais

Photo Credit: Teleculinaria.pt

Preparation time 15 min
Cooking Time 35 min
Ready In 50 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy