Tasty Stuffed Eggs with Shrimp Recipe

6 eggs¾ pound of cooked shrimp½ onion4 tablespoons of mayonnaiseSalt (to taste)Black pepper (to taste)Fresh parsley (to taste)
  1. Cook the eggs and let them cool in cold water.
  2. Peel and cut the eggs in half.
  3. Carefully remove the egg yolks, mash the yolks and place in a bowl (put the cut egg whites aside).
  4. Put aside some shrimps for decoration and finely chop the remaining ones, as well as the onion and a few sprigs of parsley.
  5. Add everything into the bowl with the egg yolks and add the mayonnaise.
  6. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper and mix everything well.
  7. With a spoon, fill each half of egg whites with this paste and place them on a serving dish.
  8. Garnish with the shrimps you put aside earlier and serve.
Recipe & Photo Credit: otemperodanesita.blogspot.pt
Preparation time 15 min
Cooking Time 15 min
Ready In 30 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy