Delicious Banana and Yogurt Ice Cream Recipe

6 ripe bananas, cut into slices1 lb of natural Greek yogurt, without added sugar1/2 cup of brown sugar3/4 cup of light cream, to beat1/4 cup of chopped dark chocolate
  1. In a blender, place the bananas, sugar and yogurt and blend everything until it is creamy.
  2. Beat the light cream until smooth and consistent.
  3. Mix the beaten light cream gradually with the banana mix and stir with a spoon, finally adding the chopped chocolate.
  4. Place it in a freezer and beat it a little every 2 hours.
  5. When the cream is frozen, it is ready to serve.
Recipe & Photo Credit: Neuza Costa,
Preparation time 20 min
Cooking Timen/a
Ready In 20 min
Level of DifficultyVery Easy