Posted on in Pork Recipes

Paula's Tasty Morcela with Eggs

Learn how to make Paula's tasty morcela with eggs (blood pudding), an absolutely delicious dish.
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Views: 35426

Preparation time 5 min
Cooking Time 15 min
Ready In 20 min
Level of DifficultyEasy


1 large morcela (blood pudding) sausage2 eggsSalt (to taste)Pepper (to taste)
1 large morcela (blood pudding) sausage2 eggsSalt (to taste)Pepper (to taste)
Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Drizzle a frying pan with olive oil at medium heat.
  2. Cut the morcela in pieces, add it to the hot pan and fry it until crispy.
  3. Add two eggs (seasoned with salt and pepper) to the pan and mix until the eggs are cooked.
  4. Best eaten with Portuguese corn bread (broa).

Recipe & Photo Credit: Paula

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Mariaelana Armstrong
Mariaelana Armstrong
My grandmother used to justfry it and we would eat it with her crusty white bread. If I could find it where I live in Maine. ,I would try it. I need to see if I can find it when I go back home to R.I.
3 Years ago, Sunday, March 27, 2022
I believe you can also order it online there in the USA.
3 Years ago, Sunday, March 27, 2022
Al Arruda
Al Arruda
Used to enjoy GASPAR’S morcella. Not sure why they stopped making it. Tried Michael’s, but didn’t care for it. Haven’t found another brand I like, and its hard ($$) to sample when I have to mail order to get Portuguese products. Fortunately, they do sell Gaspar’s linguica in my local market, so that’s my go to sausage for eggs and other dishes.
3 Years ago, Friday, January 21, 2022
Good to know Al.
3 Years ago, Friday, January 21, 2022
Hi Al
I work at Gaspars and I recently asked about starting to make Marcela again and was told maybe towards the end of the summer/early fall, as its a seasoned product.
3 Years ago, Friday, March 25, 2022
There you go Al, I think Sherry just answered your question.
3 Years ago, Friday, March 25, 2022

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