Posted on in Seafood Recipes

Flavorful King Crab Legs Recipe

Flavorful king crab legs (pernas de caranguejo), are tender, and tasty often served with garlic butter or sauce.
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Views: 27460

Preparation time 5 min
Cooking Time 35 min
Ready In 40 min
Level of DifficultyEasy


1 pound king crab legs and claws1 stick butter4 garlic cloves chopped1 tablespoon “pimenta” hot pepper1-2 cups waterLemon wedges for garnish Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan and keep it heated on low heat.
  2. Set a steamer tray inside a different large pot and pour enough water to reach an inch in the pot.
  3. Bring this to a boil before laying the crab legs on the steamer.
  4. Cover the crab legs with the chopped garlic and pimenta.
  5. Now cover the pot and steam for 5 to 10 minutes on high.
  6. Once they are done remove and place them on a serving platter.
  7. Serve with the melted butter and lemon wedges on the side.

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