Posted on in Seafood Recipes

Fried Horse Mackerel with Sauce Recipe

This delicious fried horse mackerel (chicharros), with sauce recipe will leave you craving for more.
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Views: 20641

Preparation time 15 min
Cooking Time 25 min
Ready In 40 min
Level of DifficultyEasy


1,5 Kg of horse mackerel Corn flour (to taste)Salt (to taste)Sauce:6 cloves of garlic1 whole salted pepper (to taste), choppedVinegar (to taste)1 tablespoon of crushed red pepper sauce (pimenta moída)4 tablespoons of cooking oilChopped Parsley (to taste) Get Portuguese ingredients


  1. Clean the mackerel, season with salt and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile let's prepare the sauce.
  3. Put the oil in a frying pan and add the sliced cloves of garlic and crushed red pepper sauce.
  4. Saute for about 3 minutes.
  5. Add the chopped salted pepper and saute for another minute.
  6. Add the vinegar and finely chopped parsley to taste.
  7. In another pan with hot oil, fry the fish previously passed in the corn flour, until they are golden brown.
  8. Drain them on paper towel.
  9. Pour the sauce over the fish and serve with baked or boiled potatoes and salad.
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Duarte cabral
Duarte cabral
When you say minced ground pepper, do you mean crushed red pepper?
3 Years ago, Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Laurie Rogers Trlak
Laurie Rogers Trlak
The recipe sounds delicious, but I don’t know where we would get horse mackerel here.
3 Years ago, Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Depending on where you live Laurie, you would find it in the frozen food section.
3 Years ago, Tuesday, March 8, 2022
mike Macy
mike Macy
The real question is where can Americans living in the United States even find horse Mackerel?
3 Years ago, Saturday, October 16, 2021
Hi Mike, I am sure you can get it from Portuguese stores if you live in highly populated Portuguese areas, we buy them frozen all the time here in Canada.
3 Years ago, Sunday, October 17, 2021