Yum Sweet Slices of Braga Recipe
Preparation time | 15 min |
Cooking Time | 40 min |
Ready In | 55 min |
Level of Difficulty | Easy |
Servings | 6 |

- Heat the sugar and water until the sugar is well melted.
- Remove from the heat, add the almonds and mix very well.
- Beat the egg yolks with the eggs lightly.
- Mix the eggs with the almond/sugar cream and bring to a boil to thicken a little.
- Spread the cream on a tray lined with parchment paper and well greased with butter.
- Bake at 170ºC or 340ºF for about forty minutes.
- Dust with the powdered sugar and cut into slices.
Recipe Credit: "TV7 dias - A Arte de Bem Cozinhar - Cozinha Tradicional Portuguesa - fascículo 2" *
Photo Credit: docesregionais.com
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