By Eddy − On Sunday, January 7, 2018, 6 years ago in Appetizer Recipes
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Portuguese Rissóis de Camarão Recipe

This popular Portuguese shrimp patties recipe (receita de rissóis de camarão) make a great, delicious and creamy appetizer.
Portuguese  Rissóis de Camarão Recipe

Preparation time 20 min
Cooking Time 45 min
Ready In1 h 5 min
Level of DifficultyEasy


For the batter:2 cups of flour2 and 3/4 cups of water1/2 cup of margarinePeel from 1 lemon Coarse salt (to taste)For the filling:1 kg of shrimp1 liter of water1 chopped onion1/2 cup of margarine1/2 cup of flour1 tablespoon of tomato pasteChopped parsley (to taste)1 cup of milkHalf lemonPepper (to taste)Salt (to taste)Nutmeg (to taste)3 eggsBreadcrumbs (to taste)Flour for sprinklingFrying oil
For the batter:2 cups of flour2 and 3/4 cups of water1/2 cup of margarinePeel from 1 lemon Coarse salt (to taste)For the filling:1 kg of shrimp1 liter of water1 chopped onion1/2 cup of margarine1/2 cup of flour1 tablespoon of tomato pasteChopped parsley (to taste)1 cup of milkHalf lemonPepper (to taste)Salt (to taste)Nutmeg (to taste)3 eggsBreadcrumbs (to taste)Flour for sprinklingFrying oil
Get Portuguese ingredients



  1. Bring the shrimp to a boil in about 1 liter of water and season with salt.
  2. Let it cook for about 3 minutes.
  3. Drain the shrimp and reserve/put aside the broth.
  4. Peel the shrimp and chop about 10 of them.
  5. In a pan, heat the margarine with the onion and stir until the onion begins to brown.
  6. Add the flour, stir well and add the shrimp broth and milk gradually, stirring constantly.
  7. Then add the tomato paste and chopped shrimp.
  8. Season with a few drops of lemon, pepper and nutmeg.
  9. Add the remaining shrimp and chopped parsley.
  10. When bubbling, remove and allow it to cool.


  1. In a pan, heat the water, margarine, lemon peel and salt.
  2. When it is boiling remove the lemon peel, add the flour, stir until it doesn't stick to the pan and remove from the heat.
  3. Place the dough on a workbench sprinkled with flour and let it cool slightly.
  4. After cooling slightly, use the dough roller to extend it thinly.

Making the Patties:

  1. In half of the dough, spread spoonfulls of the filling on top.
  2. Fold the dough over it and cut the patties with the help of a glass cup.
  3. Pass them through the beaten eggs and breadcrumbs and fry them in hot oil.
  4. Once fried, place them in paper towels.
Recipe & Photo Credit: Neuza Costa,

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