Tremoços (Lupini Beans) Recipe
Preparation time | 2 h |
Cooking Time | n/a |
Ready In | 2 h 55 min |
Level of Difficulty | Moderate |
Servings | 8 |

1) Soak the dried beans for 8 hours or overnight in a bowl with 4 cups of water.
2) The next day, cook them in the rest of the water in a saucepan on medium to low heat until tender, about 2 to 2.5 hours.
3) Once done, drain and transfer the beans to a bowl.
4) Drain, rinse and cover with hot water as often as you can, every 4-6 hours for about 2-3 days, until the bitter taste of the beans is gone.
5) Once the bitter taste of the beans is gone, place them into a jar with water and the two tablespoons of salt.
6) Store them in the jars with the brine for 2-3 days then serve.
Recipe & Photo Credit:
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