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Tremoços (Lupini Beans) Recipe

How to make tremoços (lupini beans).
5 out of 5 with 31 ratings
Views: 97530

Preparation time2 h
Cooking Timen/a
Ready In2 h 55 min
Level of DifficultyModerate


1.5 cups dry lupini beans8 cups water2 tablespoons salt (more of less is possible according to taste)
1.5 cups dry lupini beans8 cups water2 tablespoons salt (more of less is possible according to taste)
Get Portuguese ingredients


1) Soak the dried beans for 8 hours or overnight in a bowl with 4 cups of water.
2) The next day, cook them in the rest of the water in a saucepan on medium to low heat until tender, about 2 to 2.5 hours.
3) Once done, drain and transfer the beans to a bowl.
4) Drain, rinse and cover with hot water as often as you can, every 4-6 hours for about 2-3 days, until the bitter taste of the beans is gone.
5) Once the bitter taste of the beans is gone, place them into a jar with water and the two tablespoons of salt.
6) Store them in the jars with the brine for 2-3 days then serve.

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ellie serafine
ellie serafine
what kind salt sea /rock/table ?
2 Years ago, Sunday, August 13, 2023
Ellie, if the author doesn’t mention, then it should be just regular table salt.
2 Years ago, Sunday, August 13, 2023
Auriol Ramsay
Auriol Ramsay
Easy to follow recipe 🙂 I made about three weeks ago and totally forgot about them. They've been sat marinating in their jars for around 3 weeks, unrefrigerated. Will they be safe to eat?
3 Years ago, Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Yes, they should be fine if the jars were tightly sealed. Try a few first, however once you open a jar, keep it refrigerated for up to 5 days only.
3 Years ago, Tuesday, July 26, 2022
boil first then rinse and let cold water run on top for 2 to3 days rinse put in jars with salt
4 Years ago, Tuesday, October 5, 2021
I live in Montreal. Where can I get these beans dry? I've been to Portuguese stores but they only have them already made in jars.
4 Years ago, Tuesday, October 5, 2021

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